JavaScript / WebAssembly

After installing the scs-solver package, or after loading scs.js in the browser, you can use SCS using the following interface.

Instantiating the Solver

In Node.js, you can use SCS as follows using CommonJS:

const createSCS = require('scs-solver');

createSCS().then(SCS => {
    // define problem here
    SCS.solve(data, cone, settings);

Alternatively, you can use ES6 modules, as well as async/await:

import createSCS from 'scs-solver';

async function main() {
    const SCS = await createSCS();
    // define problem here
    SCS.solve(data, cone, settings);


In browsers, you can load SCS using a script tag:

<script src=""></script>
    createSCS().then(SCS => {
        // define problem here
        SCS.solve(data, cone, settings);

Data Format

Problem data must be provided as sparse matrices in CSC format using the following structure:

const data = {
    m: number,     // Number of rows of A
    n: number,     // Number of cols of A and of P
    A_x: number[], // Non-zero elements of matrix A
    A_i: number[], // Row indices of A elements
    A_p: number[], // Column pointers for A
    P_x: number[], // Non-zero elements of matrix P (optional)
    P_i: number[], // Row indices of P elements (optional)
    P_p: number[], // Column pointers for P (optional)
    b: number[],   // Length m array
    c: number[]    // Length n array

One way to handle the CSC format in javascript is via the Math.js library, for example

// npm install mathjs
const { matrix } = require('mathjs');
// or import { matrix } from 'mathjs';
// or <script src=""></script>

const A = matrix([
    [1, 0],
    [0, 1],
    [1, 1]
], 'sparse');

const P = matrix([
    [3, 0],
    [0, 2]
], 'sparse');

const data = {
    m: 3,
    n: 2,
    A_x: A._values,
    A_i: A._index,
    A_p: A._ptr,
    P_x: P._values,
    P_i: P._index,
    P_p: P._ptr,
    b: [-1.0, 0.3, -0.5],
    c: [-1.0, -1.0]

Cone Specification

Cones are specified using the following structure:

const cone = {
    z: number,     // Number of zero cones
    l: number,     // Number of positive (or linear) cones
    bu: number[],  // Box cone upper values
    bl: number[],  // Box cone lower values
    bsize: number, // Total length of box cone
    q: number[],   // Array of second-order cone lengths
    qsize: number, // Number of second-order cones
    ep: number,    // Number of primal exponential cone triples
    ed: number,    // Number of dual exponential cone triples
    p: number[],   // Array of power cone parameters
    psize: number  // Number of power cone triples

Note that positive semidefinite cones are not supported in the JavaScript interface.

Usually, not all cone types are used in a problem, in which case the unused cones can be omitted. For example, if only zero and positive cones are used:

const cone = {
    z: 1,
    l: 2


Control solver behavior using settings:

const settings = new Module.ScsSettings();

Available settings:

  • normalize (boolean): Heuristically rescale problem data

  • scale (number): Initial dual scaling factor

  • adaptiveScale (boolean): Whether to adaptively update scale

  • rhoX (number): Primal constraint scaling factor

  • maxIters (number): Maximum iterations to take

  • epsAbs (number): Absolute convergence tolerance

  • epsRel (number): Relative convergence tolerance

  • epsInfeas (number): Infeasible convergence tolerance

  • alpha (number): Douglas-Rachford relaxation parameter

  • timeLimitSecs (number): Time limit in seconds

  • verbose (number): Output level (0-3)

  • warmStart (boolean): Use warm starting

Solving Problems

Use the solve function to solve optimization problems:

const solution = Module.solve(data, cone, settings, [warmStartSolution]);

The function takes an optional warmStartSolution object to warm-start the solver, provided settings.warmStart is set to true.

The returned solution object contains:

  • x: Primal variables

  • y: Dual variables

  • s: Slack variables

  • info: Solver information

    • iter: Number of iterations

    • pobj: Primal objective

    • dobj: Dual objective

    • solveTime: Solve time

    • and other solver information

  • status: Solution status (e.g. SOLVED, INFEASIBLE, UNBOUNDED, see exit flags)

  • statusVal: Solution status value (see exit flags)