Solve a DCP compliant optimization problem.
solver = NA,
ignore_dcp = FALSE,
warm_start = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
gp = FALSE,
feastol = NULL,
reltol = NULL,
abstol = NULL,
num_iter = NULL,
# S4 method for class 'Problem'
solver = NA,
ignore_dcp = FALSE,
warm_start = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
gp = FALSE,
feastol = NULL,
reltol = NULL,
abstol = NULL,
num_iter = NULL,
# S4 method for class 'Problem,ANY'
solve(a, b = NA, ...)
A Problem object.
(Optional) A string indicating the solver to use. Defaults to "ECOS".
(Optional) A logical value indicating whether to override the DCP check for a problem.
(Optional) A logical value indicating whether the previous solver result should be used to warm start.
(Optional) A logical value indicating whether to print additional solver output.
(Optional) A logical value indicating whether to solve in parallel if the problem is separable.
(Optional) A logical value indicating whether the problem is a geometric program. Defaults to FALSE
The feasible tolerance on the primal and dual residual.
The relative tolerance on the duality gap.
The absolute tolerance on the duality gap.
The maximum number of iterations.
Additional options that will be passed to the specific solver. In general, these options will override any default settings imposed by CVXR.
A list containing the solution to the problem:
The status of the solution. Can be "optimal", "optimal_inaccurate", "infeasible", "infeasible_inaccurate", "unbounded", "unbounded_inaccurate", or "solver_error".
The optimal value of the objective function.
The name of the solver.
The time (in seconds) it took for the solver to solve the problem.
The time (in seconds) it took for the solver to set up the problem.
The number of iterations the solver had to go through to find a solution.
A function that takes a Variable object and retrieves its primal value.
A function that takes a Constraint object and retrieves its dual value(s).