Conic solver class with reduction semantics.
# S4 method for class 'ConicSolver,Problem'
accepts(object, problem)
# S4 method for class 'ConicSolver'
reduction_format_constr(object, problem, constr, exp_cone_order)
# S4 method for class 'ConicSolver'
group_coeff_offset(object, problem, constraints, exp_cone_order)
# S4 method for class 'ConicSolver,Solution,InverseData'
invert(object, solution, inverse_data)
A ConicSolver object.
A Problem object.
A Constraint to format.
A list indicating how the exponential cone arguments are ordered.
A list of Constraint objects.
A Solution object to invert.
A InverseData object containing data necessary for the inversion.
accepts(object = ConicSolver, problem = Problem)
: Can the problem be solved with a conic solver?
: Return a list representing a cone program whose problem data tensors
will yield the coefficient "A" and offset "b" for the respective constraints:
Linear Equations: \(A x = b\),
Linear inequalities: \(A x \leq b\),
Second order cone: \(A x \leq_{SOC} b\),
Exponential cone: \(A x \leq_{EXP} b\),
Semidefinite cone: \(A x \leq_{SOP} b\).
: Combine the constraints into a single matrix, offset.
invert(object = ConicSolver, solution = Solution, inverse_data = InverseData)
: Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.