This class represents a reduction that replaces symbolic parameters with their constraint values.
# S4 method for class 'Chain'
# S4 method for class 'Chain,Problem'
accepts(object, problem)
# S4 method for class 'Chain,Problem'
perform(object, problem)
# S4 method for class 'Chain,SolutionORList,list'
invert(object, solution, inverse_data)
accepts(object = Chain, problem = Problem)
: A problem is accepted if the sequence of reductions is valid. In particular, the i-th reduction must accept the output of the i-1th
reduction, with the first reduction (self.reductions[0]) in the sequence taking as input the supplied problem.
perform(object = Chain, problem = Problem)
: Applies the chain to a problem and returns an equivalent problem.
invert(object = Chain, solution = SolutionORList, inverse_data = list)
: Performs the reduction on a problem and returns an equivalent problem.